Workshop do Grupo CRAb - Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Animation

O Grupo de Pesquisa CRAb (Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality and Animation) convida a todos os interessados para participar de um workshop que acontecerá no dia 15 de junho a partir das 14h na sala de Seminários do Bloco 952.

Na ocasião, o Professor Julien Pettré (INRIA-Rennes/França) ministrará uma palestra.

Titulo: Simulating crowds and populating virtual worlds


Resumo: This presentation introduces the main principles of microscopic crowd simulation. Microscopic approaches compute the motion at large scale of a crowd made of dense and numerous entities which results from the combination of the many local interactions between individuals. We explain the recent advances in the field, and more specifically some approaches based on artificial vision which give an attempt to reproduce the perception / action loop that drives human locomotion in dynamic environments. We finally present some applications for crowd simulation to animate large populations in large-scale interactive virtual worlds. We show how to adapt a crowd simulator to allow animating crowds beyond the limitations set by the complexity of crowd simulation algorithms and the available computational resources.

Todos estão convidados!