Defesa de Qualificação de Tese: Rainara Maia Carvalho

Título: Human-Thing Interaction: Concepts, Issues and Opportunities.

Data: 06/04/2017 Horário: 10h Local: Sala de Seminários - Bloco 942A - Pici


The Internet is now connecting a large number of objects ("things") from our daily lives. These things can have different types of sensors, actuators and communication capabilities. Thus, much more intelligent applications have been developed. A question that has to be addressed is how to evaluate the human interaction with things over the Internet, which we call as Human-Thing Interaction. Therefore, the main goal of this work is to provide a study about interaction in the Internet of Things. For this, a review of the concepts about IoT is presented. Based on this review, another kind of interaction in IoT should be identified: the Thing-Thing interaction, which is the interaction between things. The hypothesis is that the Thing-Thing interaction quality seriously impacts on the Human-Thing interaction quality. Then, this work presents and discusses several issues in the Thing-Thing interaction that can impact the Human-Thing interaction. These issues are classified according to two levels: Internet and Thing. Internet-level issues are related to intrinsic characteristics of the internet connection between the things. Thing-level issues are related to characteristics that things may have and that can be very challenging for the Thing-Thing interaction quality. Furthermore, the Human-Thing interaction problems derived from these issues are presented. Finally, this work also presents research opportunities and challenges for Human-Thing interaction, such as interoperability, conflicts of interests, consistency of the interactions and evaluation methodologies.


  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Rossana Maria de Castro Andrade (MDCC/UFC)
  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Káthia Marçal de Oliveira (UVHC)
  • Prof. Dr. Windson Viana de Carvalho (MDCC/UFC)
  • Prof. Dr. Paulo Armando Cavalcante Aguilar (UFC)
  • Prof.ª Dr.ª Andréia Libório Sampaio (UFC)