Defesa de Proposta de Dissertação: Jefferson da Silva Barbosa

Título: Cloning in Customization Classes: Empirical Study of a Global Software Product Line

Data: 30/10/2017 Horário: 11:30h Local: Bloco 942-A (Sala de Seminários)


Software Product Line Engineering was proposed as a development paradigm to provide mass customization products at a reasonable cost. However, in companies, developers instead of applying systematic reuse often adopt cloning practices to speed up the development process. This practice, commonly called clone-and-own, can, in the future, affect the evolution of the project, where changes in cloned fragments can require changes in various parts of the system. This problem can increase their scale when applied in the context of projects to automate customization of products, because a set of customization algorithms can be related to several features. In this context, this work aims to conduct an empirical study to analyze the behavior of the clones in a Global Software Product Line (SPL) to identify the impacts of the clones in SPL. The empirical study was composed of two main steps: (i) to collect SPL data related to the clones and the SPL issues that provide a basis for the analysis of clone impacts related to development time, and (ii) to analyze how project evolution can affect clones in customization classes. As results, it was possible to verify the issues that presented clones during their resolution, obtained 136% more time to be solved, and the customization classes have a stability of their content over the time.


  • Profª. Drª. Rossana Maria de Castro Andrade (MDCC/UFC - Orientadora)
  • Prof. Dr. João Bosco Ferreira Filho (MDCC/UFC - Coorientador)
  • Profª. Drª. Carla Ilane Moreira Bezerra (UFC - Coorientadora)
  • Prof. Dr. José Maria da Silva Monteiro Filho (MDCC/UFC)

Última atualização (Sex, 27 de Outubro de 2017 08:07)