Defesa de Proposta de Tese: Ticianne de Gois Ribeiro Darin

Título: Usability Scaffolding for Evaluating Multimodal Video Games for Learners who are Blind

Data: 31/10/2017 Horário: 10h Local: GREat


Children who are blind face difficulties in multiple quotidian situations that require reasoningbased on abstract cognitive concepts. The current literature indicates that serious Multimodalvideo games based on audio and haptics can be used to help developing new skills and to stimulate cognitive improvement for learners who are blind. However, to foment the intended cognitive skills, multimodal video games should meticulously combine audio and haptics assources of perceptual inputs, and carefully use the controls and feedback to represent abstractinformation in an adequate modality for the correct interpretation of learners who are blind. Inthis context, usability issues in such video games will make users focus on the problems,distracting them from learning cognitive skills by interacting with the multimodal game. As aresult, administering an accurate usability evaluation is a necessary step towards assistingchildren who are blind in the construction of cognitive skills while interacting with a multimodal gaming interface. Nevertheless, the traditional planning and application of HCIusability evaluation methods do not guarantee the proper evaluation of the multimodalcharacteristics that affect the interaction of learners who are blind. So, the main goal of thiswork is to provide scaffolding to guide researchers and practitioners in the administration ofUsability Evaluation Methods, during usability field studies involving video games forcognitive development of young learners who are blind, considering the characteristics of thetarget users and the interaction modalities of the game.


  • Profª. Drª. Rossana Maria de Castro Andrade (MDCC/UFC - Orientadora)
  • Prof. Dr. Jaime Hernán Sánchez Ilabaca (Universidad de Chile/Chile - Coorientador)
  • Prof. Dr. Windson Viana de Carvalho (MDCC/UFC)
  • Profª. Drª. Maria Elizabeth Sucupira Furtado (UNIFOR)
  • Profª. Drª. Leticia Lopes Leite (UNB)
  • Prof. Dr. Lotfi B. Merabet (Harvard University/Estados Unidos)

Última atualização (Sex, 27 de Outubro de 2017 08:07)