Defesa de Dissertação: Rafael Avilar Sá
Data da publicação: 12 de julho de 2024 Categoria: Defesas de Dissertação, NotíciasTítulo: Improving Interoperability between Relational and Blockchain-based Database Systems: A Middleware approach
Data: 26/07/2024
Horário: 13h
Local: Sala de Seminários – Bloco 952
Multi-model architectures enable the querying of data from different sources through a unified interface, providing interoperability among databases. However, support for blockchain is still scarce. Inter-MOON is a new middleware approach that promotes the interoperability of relational databases and blockchain through the virtualization of blockchain assets in a relational environment, allowing for the execution of SQL DML commands. Experimental results show that compared to the blockchain, Inter-MOON provides minimal overhead in writing queries or reading queries that retrieve many entries but significant overhead when querying a few entries, trading high performance for powerful querying capabilities.
Banca examinadora:
- Prof. Dr. Javam de Castro Machado (MDCC/UFC – Orientador)
- Prof. Dr. Leonardo Oliveira Moreira (UFC – Coorientador)
- Profa. Dra. Carmem Satie Hara (UFPR)
- Prof. Dr. Angelo Roncalli Alencar Brayner (MDCC/UFC)
- Prof. Dr. Victor Aguiar Evangelista de Farias (UFC)