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Brasão da Universidade Federal do Ceará

Universidade Federal do Ceará
Mestrado e Doutorado em Ciências da Computação

Área do conteúdo

Defesa de Qualificação de Doutorado: Francisco Anderson de Almada Gomes

Data da publicação: 28 de novembro de 2024 Categoria: Notícias, Qualificação de Doutorado

Título: A Systematic Review on Observability of Microservice-based Applications: Fundamentals, Classifications, and Challenges

Data: 04/12/2024
Horário: 10h
Local: Laboratório Barbara Liskov – Bloco 952


Microservices-based applications are widely adopted for their scalability and support for continuous integration. While their modularity reduces development complexity, it increases operational and maintenance challenges, leading to more frequent and complex system failures. As cloud-native applications (CNAs) grow more complex, traditional monitoring solutions become inadequate, raising the risk of failures. This has led to the concept of observability, defined as the ability to understand and diagnose a system’s internal behavior by analyzing its external states. In CNAs, resource allocation is dynamic and dependent on factors like system health, making observability crucial not only for monitoring application health but also for triggering auto-scaling when necessary. Although some studies explore observability concepts, tools, and challenges, there is no comprehensive taxonomy. This paper proposes a taxonomy for observability in microservices-based applications, with a specific focus on auto-scaling, supported by a systematic literature review. We analyze 66 relevant studies published between 2019 and 2024, providing a thorough overview of observability. Additionally, the review highlights tools, benchmarking applications, real-world datasets, and challenges in the field. This work aims to offer researchers a comprehensive resource for understanding observability in the context of modern cloud-native applications.

Banca examinadora:

  • Prof. Dr. Fernando Antonio Mota Trinta (MDCC/UFC) – Orientador
  • Prof. Dr. Paulo Antônio Leal Rego (MDCC/UFC) – Coorientador
  • Prof. Dr. Lincoln Souza Rocha (MDCC/UFC)


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