Defesa de Proposta de Tese: Belmondo Rodrigues Aragão Junior
Data da publicação: 8 de julho de 2024 Categoria: Notícias, Proposta de TeseTítulo: Milestone: self-adaptation process mechanism for non-functional requirements
Data: 11/07/2024
Horário: 10h
Local: Online
As systems become increasingly complex and environments more dynamic, the need for approaches to conceive and manage systems has given rise to the emergence of self-adaptive systems. These systems autonomously adjust their behavior in response to changes in the environment, achieved through a looped process of monitoring, analyzing, planning, and executing. A critical aspect in the development and operation of these systems is the role of non-functional requirements, which are integral to the adaptability of these systems. Furthermore, there is a need for self-adaptive systems to consistently satisfy both functional and non-functional requirements as they evolve. To support adaptation decisions, these requirements must be treated as runtime entities that can be collected, analyzed, and synthesized throughout the self-adaptation process. In this context, we present Milestone, a mechanism to achieve self-adaptation in non-functional requirements. This mechanism allows the modeling of non-functional requirements at development time, and their evaluation using metrics at runtime. Furthermore, as demonstrated in the proof of concept, this mechanism is capable of dealing with threshold and possible conflicting interactions between non-functional requirements efficiently.
Banca examinadora:
- Prof.ª Dr.ª Rossana Maria de Castro Andrade (MDCC/UFC – Orientadora)
- Prof. Dr. Márcio Espíndola Freire Maia (UFC – Coorientador)
- Prof.ª Dr.ª Valéria Lelli Leitão Dantas (UFC)
- Prof. Dr. Tales Paiva Nogueira (UNILAB)